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Entries in Blackberry OS 10 (1)


Experiment Failed

Having toiled with the old BlackBerry Z10 for the past week, I was beginning to realise how doomed the system was. It came as no surprise that even BlackBerry themselves had given up on the operating system, jumped ship and gone all Android.

At the end the reason was pretty obvious. The operating system was slow and antiquated with poor third party support and bad battery life.

I hope that the new Priv would carry the pluses of the old models. The excellent email service if not the poor software implementation, the best software keyboard on any platform and the slick high quality hardware.

The Priv would be hitting this shores next week and I for once would be eager to try it. If the quality was there, I wouldn't mind buying one. But the rumour has it that it was going to be expensive. Well into the iPhone category.

It would be a tough ask, but I would be willing to try. But for the moment, goodbye Z10. Goodbye BlackBerry OS 10.

Ironically, this entry was typed using the Z10 excellent keyboard ...

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