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Entries in MSH (11)


Casual Day

The Malaysian Society of Haematology would be holding our yearly Scientific Conference later this week and I had been gearing down my clinic for that as I would be involved. This morning in fact, I have cancelled my clinic in Subang but had to make my way to Park City for a session. And today, I was just dressed casually in jeans and sneakers, and everybody was wondering why.

Well, best to wind down the clinic fast as I have some things to do this afternoon plus a talk to attend from tonight.

Happy Conferencing!

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MSH Meeting 2015

Traditionally, the Malaysian Society of Haematology held their scientific meeting yearly, alternating between Kuala Lumpur and outside. It was held at Shangri-La last year and Penang the year before that. So, this time it was again time to venture outside of Kelang Valley. So, it was Kota Kinabalu.

It was the first time the meeting was held there, and the initial plan was to both do a small meet up with a very selected topic covered. Initially, we wanted to talk about bleeding in pregnancy. It soon turned into a two-day event, the first day being about bleeding and the second about clotting, both with emphasis in women. It turned out to be a great program, with the help of the International Society of Thrombosis and Homeostasis. We got speakers from abroad to chip in, plus have a nursing workshop the day after. It was great.

Le President, Dr Alan Teh with his welcoming speechOn top of that, we had 500 delegates and secretariats turning up. It was much better than expected. I must say that I learned plenty. On top of the of course, there were great food!

I chaired one of the session and live blogged the whole event - except during Friday Prayers of course.

The participation from the Pharmaceuticals were also strong, with the booths oversubscribed. All the symposium slot were also taken. The whole weekend was a resounding success. There are also write-ups from yesteryear's meeting here.

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A Long Day

It certainly had been a fruitful day. Started early with breakfast, followed by the opening ceremonies and plenary session which was excellent. I then spent the next few session doing live blogging and taking notes.

I took a bit of a break at noon to go to the mosque nearby, taking a cab both ways with a few of my colleagues. We ended up hailing a cab in the rain for the ride home.

These are time bombs. They are juicy in the middle! Beware!I reached the hotel in time for lunch. Another Chinese seafood affair. Then came the afternoon session.

The day haven't stopped yet. Right after that, we had the MSH Annual General Meeting followed by another talk organised separately by a Pharma company. This was followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant. Again more seafood.

We finally reached the hotel at 10.30. Time for a shower and then settle down for the evening. Tomorrow should not be that bad as the session should finish by 4, although there would be another symposia in the evening. I might just give that one a miss and go and see the town instead.

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The Packing was Done

I was at the hospital until about 3 am last night. And was at my Sister's place before that since the boys wanted to play with their cousin. And with the atrocious traffic from Bangsar to Kajang, it was almost midnight when we reached home. And then in it the phone call. Off i went after dropping Anita and the boys off.

I woke up late this morning - no clinics, just some errands to do. Got my ward work sorted out and it was close to noon when i finally reached hone to pack. Luckily, Anita had already bundled everything in. All that was left was my personal stuffs and gadgets of course.

I decided to bring both my OM-D and GR along to Kota Kinabalu. Hopefully I don't have to be on photography duty because I would only be able to the basics. While there, I hoped I could do a bit of sightseeing and sample the local food. I shall plan that after checking into my room tonight.

So, I have just left KL Sentral, now on the train to the airport after having a spot of lunch with Anita. I might have something to eat at ths airport while waiting for my flight. Travelling is just not my thing...

I wished that I have taken an easier flight so that I could have more time to rest after checking into the hotel later. Bad planning on my part actually. At least I decided to leave on Sunday rather than Saturday evening...

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Exam Done

I was tasked with organising the Exit Exam for the aspiring Haematologist. We do this a couple of times a year, and it was my turn to be the host yesterday. It turned out to be hard work but we managed to pull it off. Clearly a Private Centre was never designed to do such thing but we would like to.thonk that Subang is a bit different. We have 3 Haematologists here for a start, so in terms of manpower it was feasible.

That capped up a busy week for me after Anita and my Mum taken ill, a busy call on Monday and a full week's activity. Since I've cancelled the clinic for tomorrow, I was really looking forward to some down time.

Anita had her follow-up with the Surgeon this morning. I would be taking my Mum to see the Cardiologist tomorrow. So, I have my schedule cut out for the coming few days. There was also a family wedding going on this weekend.

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