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Entries in wireless. Logitech k810 (1)


Nifty Little Keyboard

I have been eyeing a Bluetooth keyboard for a while. I have one attached to my iPad and it had revolutionised the way I used it. It was a Logitech variety and for the past year, it had been working a treat.

While walking around earlier, I spotted this one, the k810 also from Logitech which allowed me to connect to 3 devices. So, got it hooked up for the Android tablet, the iPhone and maybe the S6 since I have a spare slot.

The keyboard itself was very well constructed, with very tactile keys and can be charged using a micro-USB interphase. No issues there. It is also illuminated, so I can type in the dark with no issues, something I couldn't do with my iPad folio keyboard.

Definitely would recommend it although it was a bit on the pricy side. It could also do well wth a dedicated case so that I could carry it around better. But as it is, it stays in my office and maybe I would get a stand for my tablet with a built in charger. That would be a great combination.

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